Visionary Leadership Academy for pure-hearted Divine Leaders who are here in service to the birthing of Heaven on Earth, and ready to fulfil their sacred soul work in realities of multi-dimensional thriving

Sacred Sister, tell me if this is you...

✨You’re a dedicated Leader of Light who has been round the block many times, you’re not new to this path & you know what you’re doing with your sacred work, yet you yearn for community and support that holds you in the right way as you move forward with the next level of your soul covenant path

✨You have a massive mission & know you’re here to create something huge, but you’re challenged on how to bring all the multi-dimensional pieces of your being together into a cohesive form that actually functions in the physical world while leaving nothing out

You just can’t connect with most of what’s out there, yet you’re lacking some tools and understanding on how to actually create something different for yourself that matches the heart-song truth of your greater self

You have so much magic within you to bring forth, but you sometimes find it difficult to see, quantify and communicate your own gifts and contribution because they are so much in the realm of the “intangible” 

You’re devoted to creating a thriving Kingdom of Light (sacred soul work) that supports you, your loved ones and your family in the most aligned and magical ways – because you know that this work needs to birth through you, and there is no other choice but to follow the calling

We Invite You To Enter The Vortex of Visionary Spirit

Not your average soul business journey...

Visionary Spirit is an accelerated soul mission ascension journey for rising New Earth Leaders who are here to birth immaculate creations in high-level mystical alignment with the Source of Life, and who are absolutely repelled by mainstream “force your personal will on existence” business and self-development teachings.

For the pure-hearted souls who have received Visions, and who know down to the very marrow of their bones and beyond it is their sacred calling to fulfil them in high-level realities of peace, wholesomeness, joy, abundance & profound creative self-actualisation.

This journey is a multi-layered evolutionary process for those who are truly ready - and since self-actualisation requires ALL of yourself, it that touches on every single facet of your being and life, leaving no stone unturned.

Be prepared to elevate into your true next level sacred calling, while radically overhauling relationships, home life, your connection to yourself, your consciousness, the fundamental sense of who you are as a being, and so much more…

What You'll receive when you join

  • Members-only Community Temple (hosted on Circle-Facebook alternative)
  •  Lifetime access to three huge training libraries (which continuously grow) to step into your Light Leadership and create your thriving life of prosperity & creative self-fulfilment as a steward of the emerging future
  •  2 x monthly live events including workshops, half-day events and integration calls
  • 1 x live monthly group coaching call with Ciara to support you with the build-out of your Vision
  • Monthly blessing ceremony
  • Behind-the-scenes quantum upgrades within a daily-tended entrainment field of magic to keep you attuned to highest possible realities as you shift your life
  • Group coaching & support within the community – ask questions, receive support and share your experience as you move through the amazing upgrades
  •  You will have my eyes on your individual business personally within our community space, supporting you at every stage with the steps to take. This level of support along with the sheer volume of resources provided means this container is being offered at a phenomenally low rate by industry standards for quite how much you receive. We do this as a service to our Light Leader sisters, and it’s not to be mistaken for low-value.
  • Group support with the tech aspects of physically building infrastructure is available, this is one of my gift areas and I can easily spot ways for you to create things that could have you spinning in confusion for months on your own!
  •  Automatic inclusion in Bringers of Hope, our  community platform for the year for entrainment to a higher life of joyous co-creative soul fulfilment & mastery, with many crossover themes
  • Private Telegram broadcast channel with regular audio transmissions for support on the go!
  •  Receive The Vision Accelerator – 4 week intensive mastery program – with year-long subscription as a bonus to help you hit the ground running fast 
  •  An ongoing stream of exclusive materials through which your deepest and most intimate concerns are addressed directly, plus multi-dimensional training on higher reality navigation
  •  Access to all past content within our Community Temple
  •  A constant presence of our team in the Temple Space to get tonnes of hands-on connection and interaction. We are part of a family here!
  •  Option to include monthly 1:1 session to support you in clarifying, aligning with and stepping into your vision while alchemising whatever gifts come up to be retrieved along the way

Ready To Join?


per month for 12 total payments
  • Join us for the journey to step into your Visionary Leadership – 12 months commitment
  • Instant access to all Training Library content
  • Lifetime access to Training Libraries after 12 months of membership, explore the vast expanse of material at your own pace over years as you are ready for next steps

Pay in Full

  • Instant access to all Training Library content
  • Lifetime access to Training Libraries, explore the vast expanse of material at your own pace over years as you are ready for next steps

Include Private Sessions With Ciara

per month for 12 total payments
  • Add on monthly private 1:1 sessions with Ciara for the 12 month journey
  • Instant access to all Training Library content
  • Lifetime access to Training Libraries after 12 months of membership, explore the vast expanse of material at your own pace over years as you are ready for next steps

Experiences of Our Members

“Being plugged into this group feels incredible: like coming home… like instantaneous and effortless evolution… like unconditional love and acceptance (from others and of self)… like the perfect place to be to birth my new business powerfully and authentically, so that I may express the fullness of my being on the planet now!”

Sue Elliott, Angel Coach

“I’m tremendously deeply beyond-any-words grateful for you, dear Ciara, and for each and everyone of you, dear sisters, and for this magnificent magical space we’re having here. Thank you so, so much! This is genuinely the greatest and most precious treasure in my life.”

Isabella DancingHeart, GoddessYou Divine Dance

“The evolutionary growth that has emerged — just within the few weeks immersed in this Visionary Spirit group — has made a huge difference in amplifying the clarity of my expression and deepened my articulation of my sacred work in the world. I am profoundly grateful to you, Ciara, for this container of community for evolutionary beings. It’s like coming home to family on a whole new and healthy level.”

Bobbye Middendorf, Yin Arising Catalyst & Inner Wisdom Guide

The benefits of becoming part of this space..

  • Activate DNA to levels of higher consciousness, effortlessly aligning you with an evolved reality of grace, magic and miraculous manifestation

  • Restore original Divine templates & liberate beyond the false matrix to produce a life of freedom and profound liberation

  • Learn powerful quantum tools for navigation of a multi-dimensional higher reality that matches the highest dreams of your heart

  • Receive practical support on the full build-out of the material/digital infrastructure of your sacred work and the implementation of steps needed to materialise your vision

  • Self-recognise, fully own and claim your incomparable genius, gifts & talents

  • Learn to tell the vital difference between what is true to your purified heart, and what is only true to your past conditioned Self

  • Get so clear on what you stand for that there isn’t even a question of holding back anymore – your inner clarity and impassioned sense of purpose will drive you

  • Experience the grace of being totally supported by soul family who completely get you, have your back 100% and want to see you fly

  • Embrace a whole new paradigm of ease, flow and joyous Divine Feminine unfoldment

  • And So Much More….

This is For the Missioned Souls...

The ones who are following a calling from the depths of their soul.

The ones who came here with the absolute knowing of a message that is theirs to deliver, a “life’s work” that is theirs to birth and whose whole life experience thus far has led them unequivocally to this place. 

The ones who hold the keys to Divine Feminine/Masculine re-emergence on this planet & the restoration of original Divine Templates of wholeness

The ones who cannot ignore the impulse to live their destiny, because their devotion knows no bounds.

The ones who remember magic, who live magic, who are magic. 

The ones with gifts to share that are burning to come out of their hearts and bellies and throats and just waiting for the exact right combination to lock in for all of it to come forth at full power.

The ones who can’t really wait any longer, because they know this is their time

This path is not something you choose or that there can be any questions about, it’s a call from deep down inside that cannot be ignored, the directive of your soul to fulfil a covenant you promised to long ago.

You will know if you are called.

And if you’re calling in support from one who has walked the path and knows the way to help you articulate all that you came here for, we welcome you…

For Sisters Who'd Like More Detail

Enter the Vortex

This potent container is a Temple space for Ancient Priests/Priestesses, Healers, Teachers, Artists, Writers and Lovers to come together in a community of deep and profound nurturing to tenderly coax your Greater Self fully out of all remnants of shadow. 

You will be met in immense reverence exactly as you come and seen for who you really are behind the masks. This is a safe space for healing, decompression and activation of your greater calling. Through this container, your unique magic and medicine will be ever more deeply ignited, and you will remember in a whole new way your real power.

The live elements of our container are centered around Building your Vision/New Earth Kingdoms of Light, usually taking the form of a Sacred Business, but can also be any life vision or creative project that you are called to fulfil. This work is intensively focused, hands-on, and contains many detailed workshop elements to assist with the practical steps of creating your Vision on multi-dimensional levels. This is where we get right down-to-Earth and really land that delicious calling of yours.

We cover high-level creation within the quantum field of a higher reality of your dreams, the alignment needed to bring etheric potential into form and the physical tending to the Earth plane that is an essential component of landing a vision in the physical world, and so much more.

Your training also includes a once-monthly group coaching call with Ciara where you can bring you can bring all your personal questions and projects and to workshop and receive support with building your Vision out.

Featuring powerful alchemical tools and processes received directly by the Infinite Mother from the greatest Seer on the planet, the Seer Almine – to lift you effortlessly through the Mother’s grace to a higher order.

Your Lifetime Access Member Portal is Split Into Two Main Areas:

Finding Your North Star
Having a Clear Sense of Your Vision
Daily Alignment
Rock Solid Mindset
Supreme Self-Care
High Priest/Priestess Morning Routine
Strong, Harmonised & Balanced Inner Family
The 5 Pillars of Blazing Hearted Ignition
Divine Feminine Archetypes
New Paradigm Understanding
Tools to Support the Journey of Self-actualisation
…and SO much more

 Transitioning to Your New Dream
 Building Your Sacred Temples
 Accepting the Covenant
 Navigating Multidimensional Reality & Creating Your Life at a Higher Order
 Clarifying Your Avatar Clients
 Calling in Your Tribe
 The God Grid
 Gateway to Limitlessness
 Mission Branding Clarity
 Deep Feminine Underground Building
 Frequency Magic -Aligning Your Frequency With Desired Reality
 Field Technology
 Higher Realm Money
Aligning With Your Heaven on Earth Reality
 Embodying Multidimensionality
…and much much more

Also Receive Two Additional Training Libraries:

Calling in Souls to Serve
Your Embodied Product Suite
Expanding Into More
Prepping for Growth + Scaling
Restoring the Inner King
Elevating Your Value
Through the Portal of the Moment

How to create a completely contained sacred sanctuary higher reality for your Inner Child to dwell in in complete sanctity, peace, and freedom to unfurl the purity of your being undisturbed by the influence of the outside world – completely eliminating any sense of lingering fear, protectiveness, concern for how you’ll be met in “the world”

How to create your own completely unique personal “world” that is a reality all unto its own, that you will be creating and expressing into – freeing yourself from the mirrored realm

The true creational powers of a pure-hearted master being who works in complete synchrony with cosmic law to materialise through heart consciousness a pristine flourishing existence of great beauty, peace, soul-level fulfilment and prosperity beyond the collective dream – for themselves, their family, and by proxy all of life on Earth

Advanced inner body technology to live in highest mastery in your own personal reality (regardless of what others are living in theirs)

The connection between the voice and reality creation – how to “speak absolute truth” (not the same as “speaking one’s truth”) through your being so that you emanate the codes of a higher life that entrains your environment to match your higher vision

How to free yourself from all the places that have bound you, and fulfil your highest destiny as a Lightbearer at this powerful time

Synchronising your whole system with the mechanics of alignment to your highest destiny, in grateful surrender to the Source of Life

And so much more…

(click each section to open up for more details)

PLUS the current term & all ongoing resources!

"I am deeply appreciative of Ciara and for the blessing of partaking in Visionary Spirit. The wondrous experience of being lovingly held in such awe-inspiring, compassionate oneness, whilst witnessing myself and others’ lives gracefully unfold within the beauty of unified diversity is such a divinely inspiring, magical treasure-trove of delightfulness! There is such a vast repository of material one can delve into, fostering authenticity, clarity of purpose, fluid creativity, and so forth. There are also plenty of opportunities to actively participate and share unique facets of being through various creative works that often transcend written and spoken words. I absolutely love attending the Sacred Circle Gatherings! -The subtle, yet powerfully-uplifting, contributions of diversely intimate perspectives and authentic expressions form truly life-altering alchemical leveraging! With Resounding Gratitude and Love.”
Marissa Albano

More testimonials from our VSLV Members

“I want to say that these Sacred Circle Gatherings have become the highlight of my month. I get more new awareness and nourishment and opening from them than pretty much anything else I do. Big love to all! It is magic you create, Ciara.”

Tomar Levine, Intuitive Life Purpose, Career and Empowerment Coach, Business Strategist and Akashic Record Consultant

“Thank you Ciara. And to everyone. I couldn’t navigate this in the way I am that I’m growing to love so much without you all. The grace of it all is growing as I go further along. I’d probably be bald at this point from pulling my hair out and feeling traumatised had I been still trying to keep going on my own as this way of showing up is so opposite to anything I’ve learned before this group. I’m very grateful for the education in it.”

Anonymous Member

“Thank you so much Ciara. I am so glad I have things like this group particularly at this moment. At the very least, it shows me a context I was not aware of before, which helps me be less judgemental on myself about certain things, and at best, it helps me work through so many things, that alone I just felt too overwhelmed to engage with. I needed this, and I’m so appreciative of how generous everyone is.”​

Tracy Beary, Writer

“It’s a most extraordinary experience to be part of this community. Deep. Enriching. Inspiring.”​
Anonymous Member
“Today is my 7th day in this amazing group and I already feel a shift for the better. Thank you so much for this possibility to be in this space with all of you!”
Ekaterina Kapotova
“Thank you Ciara, being held by your vastness and feeling the magical power of your healing sessions are truly quite a remarkable experience and I am so grateful.”
Lesley Erskine
Specialist Animal Communicator, Healer and Facilitator

Your guide for this journey...

I’ve been on an accelerated spiritual journey my whole life, and I deeply know and understand the many challenges that come with walking this path. From a very young age I’ve known I was here for a very different purpose than what my environment led me to believe, and for many years this knowing was a source of great suffering.

Through a process of lifelong initiation, I came to understand that my calling is to work with those just like me who are here for something truly massive and far-reaching in its implications.
Who simply don’t fit into existing paradigms, and who refuse to relinquish the knowing that a new world is possible – no matter how much of a pipe dream it might seem like from within the confines of mainstream realities.

Together, we are creating the New Earth.

I deeply understand your unique experiences, needs and challenges as a highly conscious multi-dimensional being.

And I genuinely care about your journey… it’s impossible for me to put into words the honour I feel to be privileged to participate in even the smallest way in the lives of those who come to walk alongside me for any length of time, and I don’t take any of this lightly.

You can be assured with me that I treasure you in the way that is befitting of the divine being that you are. The preciousness of your existence is safe with me.

Ciara Young

Mystical Guide & Mentor for Advanced Light Beings & Visionaries

My approach

By working with me you’ll experience a fusion of ancient feminine shamanism, mysticism, metaphysics, intuitive coaching/mentoring and metaphysical psychology with a deep understanding of modern challenges and drawn from an absolute wealth of personal experience, plus professional training in several key areas.  I’m continuously adding to my repertoire of tools, techniques, processes and understanding to benefit my beloved clients. Working with me is a truly unique experience, and if you feel I’m the one to help you, you’ll get a combination of everything I can bring to you from my aeons of journeying through this terrain.

What It'll look like when you choose to step into this space with me

I have thousands of lifetimes of experience doing this work, and most importantly, almost 20 active years of spiritual healing and self-development in this lifetime under my belt, with 10 of those being spent serving clients in a large variety of settings. I’ve trained in a huge range of transformational modalites from incredibly advanced cutting-edge mystical and alchemical tools, techniques and systems, to NLP & Time Line Therapy, Quantum Healing, Energy Coaching, and much more – and the repertoire of understanding I have to draw from is ever growing. 

When you step into a space with me, you can know immediately that my endless devotion is to assisting you with seeing your covenant fulfilled. I seriously care, and will have your back with my entire heart and soul as you move through this sacred journey. The level of support you’ll find here is a cut above what is present in many other spaces of a similar nature, and the multi-dimensional infrastructure you’ll be immersed in will give you the feeling of being permanently nurtured within a force-field of high-level sacred holding. Read the testimonials from our precious members to get a glimpse of this!

Potential Questions You Might Have:

This offering works in a “spiral” format, meaning that the longer you stay in the deeper we progressively go together and the more transformation you experience; you can drop in at any time and start right where you are – there isn’t a specific start or end date – and wherever you land will position you perfectly to gain whatever benefit you need to at the time.

We present materials in an up-to-the-minute “journey” format, and the journey is ongoing and never-ending.
This container is a year-long commitment to journeying with us to support true and deep integration and embodiment, though you are absolutely welcome to stay for longer.
Some of our members have been here for 5 years!!

You will receive LIFETIME access to the Member’s Portal training library content, which you can refer to over and over again at your own pace over many years.
We don’t do scarcity here!
If you’d like to chat about whether this container is right for you, use the contact form below at the bottom of the page to apply for a call with our team.

Our team will be on hand on an ongoing basis to offer support, coaching, answer questions and engage with you interactively in a group format, primarily through the private member’s only Community Temple Space.

We’ll be able to discuss and work on the most pertinent matters for you and you can receive feedback from and collaborate with the team and other participants within this format, and you can also bring your personal queries to the live workshops and once monthly group coaching call where you can be supported more deeply there.

You also have the option to add-on monthly private sessions with Ciara to support clarification and alignment with your vision if you are desiring additional high-touch support. Please be aware that private messaging and email support is not a feature of this program.

Unlimited email and chat support is available via our One to One Coaching Programs.

Yes, Visionary Spirit is devoted specifically to supporting our sacred sisters within a container that is explicitly dedicated to their unique needs, journeys and challenges 💗 

If you feel the call for this journey, select one of the enrolment options below or use the contact form to reach out to our team if you wish to ask any questions first 😊


per month for 12 total payments
  • Join us for the journey to step into your Visionary Leadership – 12 months commitment
  • Instant access to all Training Library content
  • Lifetime access to Training Libraries after 12 months of membership, explore the vast expanse of material at your own pace over years as you are ready for next steps

Pay in Full

  • Instant access to all Training Library content
  • Lifetime access to Training Libraries, explore the vast expanse of material at your own pace over years as you are ready for next steps

Include Private Sessions With Ciara

per month for 12 total payments
  • Add on monthly private 1:1 sessions with Ciara for the 12 month journey
  • Instant access to all Training Library content
  • Lifetime access to Training Libraries after 12 months of membership, explore the vast expanse of material at your own pace over years as you are ready for next steps

And if you have any questions, use the form below to reach out and we'll be back to you shortly

Agreement of exchange:

    • Exchange is non-refundable due to immediate access to content/materials.

    • Coaching and support is provided via the group format and doesn’t include private 1:1 contact via email and chat. Unlimited priority 1:1 email and chat access is also available via our One to One Coaching or Mentoring Programs

    • Your exchange indicates that you understand 1:1 support is not included in this program beyond your monthly private session, that this is a group offering, and that you will not unreasonably expect ongoing personal support or contact either via email or private message within our community space.

    • Participants agree not to reproduce the content shared within this platform for commercial purposes without express written consent, or to share content publicly. Violation of this agreement will result in immediate termination of contract and loss of membership access rights.