The Art of Dream Interpretation

The Art of Dream Interpretation is a non-cognitive art form of the true Divine Feminine. Like everything else of a feminine nature, non-cognitive art forms have been largely suppressed during the last ages of masculine domination throughout the cosmos. It is time to reclaim them.

The Art of Dream Interpretation as taught in this course is an Ancient Toltec Shamanic practice, passed down by Toltec Seers over ages. 

Including audio classes, extensive written information, video trainings plus a private support and learning community, this course is extremely comprehensive, yet offered at an incredibly low price-point to make this life-changing information as accessible as possible to all those who are called to contribute in the restoration of the Divine Feminine ways to our planet.

Explore the 24 stages of dreaming and unleash resources by recapitulating the past through your sleeping and waking dream life, tapping into the vast internal spiritual bank account that is yours to draw from whenever needed. Understand the art of drawing for the evolution of consciousness, self-healing and guidance on how to manifest and navigate a life of grace.

This is a rich and layered area of study that will help you with the understanding of interpreting your current life challenges, your next steps and even your large purpose as a being. An invaluable skill to learn on the journey of mastery, we are so excited to share this work with you.

“Opposition is only present when masculine and feminine try to function separately and are at war with each other because we are not hearing and honouring the feminine’s (non-cognitive) input. When we learn to interpret the feminine form of communication, we are able to incorporate this into our masculine outer lives such that the separation ends and a beautiful harmonious union is born – negating the need for forced evolution through opposition.”

Listen to a sample from the audio class:

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  • Lifetime access to private training & support community

Ciara, this course was absolutely fantastic! I am so grateful I signed up. I really think it was an excellent format for the material and enabled you to shine immensely. I would love to see more courses like this. It’s affordable price makes it accessible to many but the value is truly priceless. Much love to you.

– Emily, USA

Course Syllabus

More about your guide for this journey…

I’ve been on an accelerated spiritual journey my whole life, and I deeply know and understand the many challenges that come with walking this path! From a very young age I’ve known I was here for a very different purpose than what my environment led me to believe, and for many years this knowing was a source of great suffering. Through a process of lifelong initiation and really no real deviation from the spiritual path despite innumerable obstacles, I came to understand that my calling is to work with those just like me who are here for something truly massive and far-reaching in its implications, who simply don’t fit into existing paradigms, and who refuse to relinquish the knowing that a new world is possible – no matter how much of a pipe dream it might seem like from within the confines of mainstream realities.

After many years of prior preparation, I encountered the Seer Almine in 2011 and have been a serious and dedicated student ever since, working deeply with many of the sacred teachings brought forth by this most profound Mystic. It’s impossible for me to put into words the honour I feel to be privileged enough to participate in even the smallest way in the lives of those who come to walk alongside me for any length of time, and I don’t take any of this lightly. You can be assured with me that I treasure you inherently in the way that is befitting of the divine being that you are. The preciousness of your existence is safe with me.

Potential questions you might have

Is any prior experience needed for this?

No prior experience is needed, but you need to have done some degree of spiritual self-work and be willing, ready and able to put in the work to embody what is needed to successfully proceed with your initiation process. You must also be willing to let go of pre-conceived belief systems and learn in humility. No responsibility is assumed by me for your lack of preparedness or work.

What if I want a refund?

No refunds are offered for this purchase due to immediate access to materials. If you’re unsure if this is for you, please reach out to us here first to ask any questions you might have.

When does the course start and finish?

This is a self-paced self-study program. You can take as long as you like to fully complete the program and perform your self-initiation, however the typical timeframe will be 4-6 weeks (longer in some cases). We will assess together the right timing for you uniquely as you move through the process.

Will I get access to the full course all at once?

Yes, you will have immediate access to all materials, which are laid out in a modular format intended to be followed step by step.

How much support will I get?

You will receive full support through your training process to enable you to perform your self-initiation through our private training community within a group setting, and privately within your one-to-one mentoring session, to which you can bring all your personal questions. To keep the pricing of this program as low as possible, please note private email support is not included with this training program – if you wish to purchase private email support as an add-on, drop us a message and we can arrange that for you.

Can I pay with PayPal?

Yes! When you go to check out you can pay with credit card or PayPal.

Terms & Conditions of Sale:

  • Purchase is non-refundable due to immediate access to content/materials.
  • Support is provided via the group format within our private training support community and doesn’t include private 1:1 contact via email and chat. Unlimited priority 1:1 email and chat access is also available via our One to One Coaching Programs. Within reason, we will always aim to answer private contact as clients will testify to if the support rerquired is of a private nature, but as this isn’t a specific feature of this program it can’t be guaranteed in a timely fashion or at all due to time constraints, and should not be considered a given part of this service.
  • Your purchase indicates that you understand 1:1 support is not included in this program, that this is a group offering, and that you will not unreasonably expect ongoing personal support or contact either via email or private message within our community space.
  • Participants agree not to reproduce the content shared within this platform for commercial purposes without express written consent, or to share content publicly. Violation of this agreement will result in immediate termination of contract and loss of membership access rights.