Join the ranks of the most powerful healers of the new paradigm, and learn to create through the heart a life of joy, beauty, peace and flourishing

Explore this icredible system of healing and understanding to align your whole being with a higher reality of miracles as you restore original Divine Mother templates of wholeness, and become initiated to support others in this process as well.

We invite you to delve into the world of light & frequency healing

More than a healing modality...

We welcome you with humble hearts to this magical training program in the incredible light & frequency healing system of Belvaspata, meaning "healing of the heart" in an ancient light language of the Infinite Mother.

Not just a modality, this is an entire system of understanding for the new cosmos, and is truly profound in its scope and capacity. Your life and all those you touch will be uplifted exponentially through receiving this sacred blessing.

The combined wheel of Love, Praise & Gratitude

An introduction to belvaspata

Belvaspata Angelic healing of the heart is a profound Angelic healing modality that is so needed at this time of great upheaval on Earth. There are few greater gifts available than to be able to utilise this modality to support yourself, your family, friends, clients, loved ones and even whole geographic areas and soul groups with the unprecedented evolutionary process underway on this planet.

This incredible system uses beautiful sigils of light and pure frequency, in conjunction with partnership with specialised Angelic kingdoms who are dedicated to this healing system alone, to restore wholeness to places where its song has been forgotten.

Received by the Seer Almine in Ireland in 2006 following a major cosmic pole shift that radically altered the mechanical way in which healing occurs, this beautiful modality is “the answer” to the needs of vastly shifting cosmic times, and aligns both the practitioner and all those who are able to receive its blessings with highest possible new cosmic templates every time it is used. It has a huge array of possible applications, and is a sacred gift to humanity at this time.

watch a small introductory sample from the first training module here:

Just a tiny few of the benefits of Belvaspata

  • Promotes the removal of illusions that cause ill health and mental/emotional dis-ease
  • Restores clarity, purpose and peace of mind, brings confidence in one’s abilities
  • Renews access to pure and true emotions of love, joy, inspiration, gratitude, trust, etc.
  • Assists with the healing of long-standing patterns (including the release of trauma)
  • Accelerates spiritual evolution/awakening, clearing out limiting beliefs and ideas
  • Assists with seeing and enhancing the perfection of life
  • Assists with promoting full expression, where full expression is blocked or hindered
  • Assists with expanding into the capacity to “create through the heart” a life of joy, peace, abundance, etc
  • Activates DNA capacities of higher consciousness
  • Triggers awakening from the dream of separation

Since the dawning of the major cosmic changes beginning with the Earth’s ascension in 2005, the cosmic laws of physics have radically altered in their functioning, completely reversing what we once knew about healing (to read more about this, see Almine’s book The Ring of Truth). Light now attracts like light, whereas opposite energies repel. Hence Belvaspata uses sigils of light to draw higher consciousness into areas of sickness, rather than “sending” healing energy, which since the cosmic pole change is no longer attracted to its opposite (sick energy) and thus is no longer effective.

Additionally, Belvaspata works on a macrocosmic scale, supported by legions of dedicated Angels, to repair damage to the light and frequency grids of both an individual and the cosmos in the process, reversing the “side effects” of the ages spent in the dream of duality which have been painful to say the least. Every time Belvaspata is performed it benefits not only the one for whom it is performed, but the practitioner themselves, and the entire cosmos at the same time. It is truly a modality of grace and divine mercy for these transformative times.

Whether you wish to study for your own self-evolution or to support friends, family and clients, this program will provide the support to do so. A self-study module on offering Belvaspata as a service within your sacred business is included, and you will be able to receive support within our private training community as you progress on your journey.

A radical journey in self-change

Fully upgrade your whole system to be in “alignment with the Song of Creation”, the overall purpose of Belvaspata, so that you may participate in creating new realities of beauty on this planet through the power of the heart.

Equip yourself with a powerful toolbox

Learn to forge deep and beautiful relationships with the Angels of Belvaspata, and to be able to support any situation you come across with delicious frequencies of wholeness, Oneness and luminous divine truth.


The overall goal of Belvaspata, according to the Seer Almine, is Alignment with the Song of Creation.

Belvaspata as a modality includes many different options for healing approaches used for different purposes depending on individual needs, and is presided over by its own group of Angels who are called by the practitioner through their sigils to place specific healing frequencies into the body or into a specific location. It is said that once we have the sigil for an Angel they cannot ignore our request for help, and Belvaspata Angels are specifically dedicated to working with this miraculous healing system.

Our Belvaspata study comprises 2 key areas

A profound system of understanding on what has changed in the cosmos, and how to live fully in alignment with new cosmic law (the most powerful way to live)
The teachings of Heart Consciousness and creating reality through the power of the heart, the only way it is now possible to create powerfully – to ensure that only those of pure heart may guide the future
Understanding the mechanics of full Divine Feminine/Holy Mother template restoration, to restore life to its original Divine Blueprint
How this change fundamentally begins within our own DNA, and the tools to support this

Vast in scope, containing advanced and expansive protocols for virtually anything you can think of
Suitable for treating self, others (including clients), family, loved ones and children, animals, soul groups, locations, the Earth, situations, you name it…
From simple quick self-healing and maintenance protocols, to advanced and elaborate ceremonies – there is something here for every situation

(click each section to open up for more details)

Nothing to heal, really

Belvaspata works on the principle that disease (of any kind – mental, emotional, spiritual, physical, etc) is an “illusion” in that it is simply an area of life where perfection is not seen. Rather than focusing on illusory surface appearances, “healing” is accomplished by focusing instead on the inherent wholeness beneath them. In this way, we as practitioners facilitate the revelation of underlying perfection of the True Self, which is inherent, and utterly untouchable by life’s myriad experiences.

In this sense there is nothing to heal – only perfection to reveal! This modality simply peels away the layers to allow the radiant luminosity hiding just beneath them to emerge. What an empowering idea to understand that we are not broken, but have perhaps merely forgotten our true nature temporarily.

“In righting a wrong, we judge and divide. In acknowledging wholeness we uplift and inspire the underlying perfection to reveal itself. This miraculous healing modality, a divine gift to humanity, neither tries to heal nor fights disease. To do so would affirm the existence of such illusions.“ - The Seer Almine

A gift from the infinite for these challenging times

Belvaspata has been dubbed the “modality of miracles” and truly needs to be felt to experience the profound changes that it can bring about for the one who is receptive to its blessing. It’s an incredibly gentle modality that does not impose healing, but simply leaves blessings lingering in the field of the recipient until such a time as they are ready to receive.

It’s a modality of such purity that it’s the only modality currently existing where permission is not required from the recipient for a healing to be performed. As such, it’s perfectly suited to use for collective conditions where it would be impossible to request permission from all involved. It can be used on both individuals and groups, and even situations and places, and is an incredibly life-enhancing tool for Lightworkers to have within their repertoire of supports that they may wish to use to assist with global healing and evolution amidst the huge changes underway on the planet presently.

“Belvaspata replaces distorted matrices with clarity by emphasizing the expression of the pure luminosity and harmony that lies within each being. The stimulation of the true frequencies — the Song of the Self — in an individual creates self-healing by shattering the matrix within the body that holds disease programs in place.” - The Seer Almine

The Belvaspata repertoire contains many, many different specialty protocols to address a huge variety of situations and concerns, ranging from general healing and activation of latent DNA capacities, creating enlightenment (in situations, groups and locations), treating a huge variety of physical ailments from cuts and burns to heart disease and cancer, restoring the reproductive system to its original divine template, healing emotional trauma and deep and ancient cosmic patterns spanning aeons, and so much more. There are also specialty protocols for treating animals. It is a deeply comprehensive and all-encompassing system, and complementary study areas such as work with Fragrance Alchemy can accompany some protocols to produce even deeper effects.

Our journey together...

This is a self-study training program for Belvaspata Levels 1 & 2, with full support and mentoring to either self-initiation, online initiation, or initiation in person if you are able to travel to our location in Ireland (multiple options are available). 

Your training journey will consist of 3 core pre-recorded training sessions, extensive written self-study materials provided within your training library, and a 1:1 mentoring session with our team (online) to support your process – as well as the continually updating resources that we are regularly adding to our training portal. This may or may not be followed by an online/in-person initiation ceremony, depending on which option you chose.

The journey in total will require at least 4-6 weeks of commitment depending on the speed of your own integration process, though you can take absolutely as long as you need – this is a self-paced learning process and there is no time limit to how long you can spread it out. 

  • Belvaspata contains 4 levels of mastery – Levels 1 & 2 can be studied and initiated together, and that will be our focus in this program (if you’re uncomfortable performing both initiations at once, you have the option to proceed with only Level 1 to start)
  • You will be added to a private training community hosted on Circle (Facebook alternative) that you’ll have lifetime access to after you finish, through which you can also ask questions, share your journey and receive support from both myself, our team and other students on this journey as you go along
  • You’ll be able to receive all the support you need as you move through the training within our private training community, with full guidance on preparing initiation when ready. We’ll help you to assess your own right timing for initiation as you move through the process
  • You can move through the materials available in your library at your own pace, and book in your private mentoring session when ready
  • To keep the pricing of this program as low as possible, please note private email support is not included with this training (support is via our private training community) – if you wish to purchase private email support as an add-on, drop us a message and we can arrange that for you

Select an option to join us

If you're unsure which option to choose, use the contact form below to reach out and we'll help you to select the right one! Note that the only benefit of the self-initiation option is the reduced cost, and we offer this purely so that a more accessible option is available to those who may need it.​

Self-study Training + Private Mentoring to Self-initiation

  • Self-study training program with lifetime access & mentoring to self-initiation with full support
  • Private 1:1 mentoring session
  • Lifetime access to private training & support community
  • Certificate of mentoring to self-initiation after you’ve completed your initiation

Self-study Training + Online Initiation

  • Self-study training program with lifetime access
  • Private 1:1 mentoring session
  • Lifetime access to private training & support community
  • Online initiation ceremony
  • Certificate of initiation

Self-study Training + In-person Initiation

  • Self-study training program with lifetime access
  • Private 1:1 mentoring session
  • Lifetime access to private training & support community
  • In-person initiation (travel to Ciara in Kerry, Ireland)
  • Certificate of initiation

Self-study Training + Private Mentoring to Self-initiation – Payment Plan

per month for 2 total payments
  • Self-study training program with lifetime access & mentoring to self-initiation with full support
  • Private 1:1 mentoring session
  • Lifetime access to private training & support community
  • Certificate of mentoring to self-initiation after you’ve completed your initiation

Self-study Training + Online Initiation – Payment Plan

per month for 2 total payments
  • Self-study training program with lifetime access
  • Private 1:1 mentoring session
  • Lifetime access to private training & support community
  • Online initiation ceremony
  • Certificate of initiation

Self-study Training + In-person Initiation – Payment Plan

per month for 2 total payments
  • Self-study training program with lifetime access
  • Private 1:1 mentoring session
  • Lifetime access to private training & support community
  • In-person initiation (travel to Ciara in Kerry, Ireland)
  • Certificate of initiation

Comprehensive training

A deep and comprehensive training on all that you’ll need to dive into the world of this amazing modality and become fully qualified to assist yourself and others on a healing and evolutionary journey


Full support to make this practice your own

Whether you wish to learn purely for self-healing – although every time you use this modality it benefits all of life – or to serve clients, you will receive the support you need to get you set up properly



Learn alongside a supportive group of fellow heart-centered Luminous Beings on the journey to full self-actualisation, forging meaningful connections that last for years afterwards


What you'll receive when you join

  • Lifetime access to an extensive training library (which is ongoingly updated and attended to) that you can jump into immediately and return to forever and ever
  • Lifetime access to private Community Temple (hosted on Circle-Facebook alternative) where you can ask questions and receive support for the duration of your lifetime journey with this beautiful system
  • Private 1:1 mentoring session when you are ready to fully prepare you for initiation
  • Option for which form of initiation you would like to choose – self-initiation, online initiation, or in-person initiation in Ireland
  • Our team are a constant presence in the support community to assist and hold you every step of the way as you shift into a new reality

Your guide for this journey...

Ciara - Your Teacher

I’ve been on an accelerated spiritual journey my whole life, and I deeply know and understand the many challenges that come with walking this path!

From a very young age I’ve known I was here for a very different purpose than what my environment led me to believe, and for many years this knowing was a source of great suffering. Through a process of lifelong initiation and really no real deviation from the spiritual path despite innumerable obstacles, I came to understand that my calling is to work with those just like me who are here for something truly massive and far-reaching in its implications, who simply don’t fit into existing paradigms, and who refuse to relinquish the knowing that a new world is possible – no matter how much of a pipe dream it might seem like from within the confines of mainstream realities.

After many years of prior preparation, I encountered the Seer Almine in 2011 and have been a serious and dedicated student ever since, working deeply with the sacred teachings brought forth by this most profound Mystic. It’s impossible for me to put into words the honour I feel to be privileged enough to participate in even the smallest way in the lives of those who come to walk alongside me for any length of time, and I don’t take any of this lightly. You can be assured with me that I treasure you inherently in the way that is befitting of the divine being that you are. The preciousness of your existence is safe with me.

Select an option to join us

If you're unsure which option to choose, use the contact form below to reach out and we'll help you to select the right one! Note that the only benefit of the self-initiation option is the reduced cost, and we offer this purely so that a more accessible option is available to those who may need it.

Self-study Training + Private Mentoring to Self-initiation

  • Self-study training program with lifetime access & mentoring to self-initiation with full support
  • Private 1:1 mentoring session
  • Lifetime access to private training & support community
  • Certificate of mentoring to self-initiation after you’ve completed your initiation

Self-study Training + Online Initiation

  • Self-study training program with lifetime access
  • Private 1:1 mentoring session
  • Lifetime access to private training & support community
  • Online initiation ceremony
  • Certificate of initiation

Self-study Training + In-person Initiation

  • Self-study training program with lifetime access
  • Private 1:1 mentoring session
  • Lifetime access to private training & support community
  • In-person initiation (travel to Ciara in Kerry, Ireland)
  • Certificate of initiation

Self-study Training + Private Mentoring to Self-initiation – Payment Plan

per month for 2 total payments
  • Self-study training program with lifetime access & mentoring to self-initiation with full support
  • Private 1:1 mentoring session
  • Lifetime access to private training & support community
  • Certificate of mentoring to self-initiation after you’ve completed your initiation

Self-study Training + Online Initiation – Payment Plan

per month for 2 total payments
  • Self-study training program with lifetime access
  • Private 1:1 mentoring session
  • Lifetime access to private training & support community
  • Online initiation ceremony
  • Certificate of initiation

Self-study Training + In-person Initiation – Payment Plan

per month for 2 total payments
  • Self-study training program with lifetime access
  • Private 1:1 mentoring session
  • Lifetime access to private training & support community
  • In-person initiation (travel to Ciara in Kerry, Ireland)
  • Certificate of initiation

Potential questions you might have

No prior experience is needed, but you need to have done some degree of spiritual self-work and be willing, ready and able to put in the work to embody what is needed to successfully proceed with your initiation process. You must also be willing to let go of pre-conceived belief systems and learn in humility. No responsibility is assumed by us for your lack of preparedness or work.

This is a self-paced self-study program. You can take as long as you like to fully complete the program and proceed with your initiation, however the typical timeframe will be 4-6 weeks (longer in some cases). We will assess together the right timing for you uniquely as you move through the process.

You will receive full support through your training process to enable you to prepare for your initiation through our private training community within a group setting, and privately within your one-to-one mentoring session, to which you can bring all your personal questions. To keep the pricing of this program as low as possible, please note private email support is not included with this training program – if you wish to purchase private email support as an add-on, drop us a message and we can arrange that for you.

No refunds are offered for this purchase due to immediate access to materials. If you’re unsure if this is for you, please use the contact form below to reach out first.

Yes, you will have immediate access to all materials, which are laid out in a modular format intended to be followed step by step.

A certificate of initiation or mentoring to self-initiation (depending on which option you choose) will be provided upon successful completion of your initiation under mentoring guidance. 

Use the contact form below to reach out if you have any questions and we'll be back to you as soon as possible

Belvaspata Angelic Healing of the Heart is the original work of the Seer Almine. All sigils and wheels shown on this page received by the Seer Almine, © copyright Spiritual Journeys LLC.

Course Information

Self-study Training + Private Mentoring to Self-initiation

  • Self-study training program with lifetime access & mentoring to self-initiation with full support
  • Private 1:1 mentoring session
  • Lifetime access to private training & support community
  • Certificate of mentoring to self-initiation after you’ve completed your initiation

Self-study Training + Online Initiation

  • Self-study training program with lifetime access
  • Private 1:1 mentoring session
  • Lifetime access to private training & support community
  • Online initiation ceremony
  • Certificate of initiation

Self-study Training + In-person Initiation

  • Self-study training program with lifetime access
  • Private 1:1 mentoring session
  • Lifetime access to private training & support community
  • In-person initiation (travel to Ciara in Kerry, Ireland)
  • Certificate of initiation

Self-study Training + Private Mentoring to Self-initiation – Payment Plan

per month for 2 total payments
  • Self-study training program with lifetime access & mentoring to self-initiation with full support
  • Private 1:1 mentoring session
  • Lifetime access to private training & support community
  • Certificate of mentoring to self-initiation after you’ve completed your initiation

Self-study Training + Online Initiation – Payment Plan

per month for 2 total payments
  • Self-study training program with lifetime access
  • Private 1:1 mentoring session
  • Lifetime access to private training & support community
  • Online initiation ceremony
  • Certificate of initiation

Self-study Training + In-person Initiation – Payment Plan

per month for 2 total payments
  • Self-study training program with lifetime access
  • Private 1:1 mentoring session
  • Lifetime access to private training & support community
  • In-person initiation (travel to Ciara in Kerry, Ireland)
  • Certificate of initiation